The winners of the Australian Opal Awards were announced recently at a Gala Dinner held in Lightning Ridge, NSW, Australia. A few are presented here.
The $15,000 Open Prestige Jewellery Award, sponsored by Cody Opals (Australia) Pty Ltd, Iris Opal Pty Ltd and True Blue Opals Pty Ltd, was won by Artisan Bespoke Jewellers for their piece Khroma.

$15,000 Open Prestige Jewellery Award.

winner of the ‘Outback Opal Freeform Jewellery Award.
“The winning piece Khroma was unique in design and meticulously crafted with a very clever use of colored gems to enhance the opal,” said Gary Coffey from Giulians Fine Jewellery who judged the award entries alongside Cameron Marks from Percy Marks and Terry Coldham from Intogems who is also the Patron of the Gemmological Association of Australia.